Financial Counsellors ACT Inc. (FC ACT)
Financial Counsellors ACT Inc. (FC ACT) is the Professional Association for financial counsellors operating in the ACT and its surrounds.
FC ACT became an Incorporated Association on 3 February 2012 under the Associations Incorporation Act 1991.
FC ACT is governed by a committee of volunteer members elected annually at FC ACT’s Annual General Meeting.
The current committee members are listed below.
FC ACT operates to:
Provide support to Financial Counsellors who are members
Ensure Financial counsellors receive up to date training
Receive and handle complaints about the conduct of financial counsellors operating in the ACT
FC ACT is funded through membership fees and donations.
FC ACT has agreed to the national standard Disciplinary Process – Policy and Procedures and that governs how FC ACT assesses, handles and responds to complaints about Members, and FC ACT members are bound by this rule.